One of my main goals of 2017 is to incorporate more healthy choices into my daily life. I want to feel great, keep my creativity flowing, and (hopefully) be a good influence on my children. Now that I've been doing this for a few months, I have a handle on what's working for me.
Incorporating probiotics - I've been incorporating probiotics into my diet since mid-January, and I felt the beneficial effects almost immediately. Aside from the physical improvements, I'm much more even-tempered and calm. I get my probiotics from a combination of kombucha and fermented foods like kim chi. (Standard disclaimer: I am no health professional. If you're interested in learning if probiotics can help you, see out a qualified professional. Here's an article from
The Mayo Clinic, and another from
Web MD, to get you started.)
I gave myself some curfews - No social media after 10 pm, and in bed before midnight. Really, no one needs more social media, and having an hour to wind down before bed leads to quality sleep. If only I could dream up some new plot twists...
I'm eating more real food - I didn't want to go on a diet so much as I wanted to eat better. Therefore, I didn't limit myself on what I could have, but I did make an effort to purchase more vegetables, whole grains, and vegetable-based protein. With all that good food in the house, who needs all that processed junk?
Thanks to these (and a few other) healthy changes, I look and feel better already. Even though it's only April, I've already successfully launched two titles this year, am on track to release three more, and I haven't missed a deadline yet. By prioritizing wellness, I have the stamina and mental acuity to keep everything else in line. Will I still have setbacks? Of course I will. Everyone does. But by staying as on-track as I can, those setbacks will be minor bumps, not game-changing catastrophes.
What positive changes have you made in 2017? Tell us in the comments!
Coming June 6: Gallowglass
Karina didn't set out to free the Seelie Queen's gallowglass. Now she'll do anything to keep him.